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- Description

- Fast free shipping with a tracking number.
- A detailed user manual/guidebook(PDF) with 20 lessons is provided, it is esay for you to learn Arduino and programming. After you purchase, just send an email to us with title "require files for Ultrasonic starter kit for UNO", then we will show you how to access guidebook and C code.
- Quick-responding technical support for free.
- Re-designed case, it is very beautiful, and it is a wonderful gift for children.
- Adeept Arduino UNO R3 is included.
About Arduino
About Processing
Lesson 1 Blinking LED
Lesson 2 Controlling an LED with a button
Lesson 3 LED Flowing Lights
Lesson 4 Tilt Switch
Lesson 5 Breathing LED
Lesson 6 Active Buzzer
Lesson 7 Controlling Relay
Lesson 8 Controlling a RGB LED by PWM
Lesson 9 7-segment display
Lesson 10 Serial Port
Lesson 11 LCD1602
Lesson 12 Photoresistor
Lesson 13 Using a thermistor to measure the temperature
Lesson 14 DC motor
Lesson 15 Controlling Servo motor
Lesson 16 ultrasonic distance sensor
Lesson 17 Control a servo with ultrasonic distance sensor
Lesson 18 Move a cat
Lesson 19 Control the brightness of the photo with the photoresistor
Lesson 20 The Brick Games
Package List:
1x Adeept Arduino UNO R3 Board
1x Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
1x Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Holder
1x Servo
1x DC Motor
1x L9110 Motor Driver
1x Relay
1x LCD1602
1x 7-Segment Display
1x Active Buzzer
2x Analog Temperature Sensor(Thermistor)
2x Light Sensor(Photoresistor)
1x Tilt Switch
2x Switch
10x Red LED
4x Green LED
4x Yellow LED
4x Blue LED
16x Resistor(220Ω)
10x Resistor(1kΩ)
5x Resistor(10kΩ)
5x Capacitor(104)
2x Capacitor(10uF)
4x Button(large)
5x Button(small)
1x Button Cap(red)
1x Button Cap(white)
2x Button Cap(blue)
2x NPN Transistor(8050)
2x PNP Transistor(8550)
1x Potentiometer(10KΩ)
2x 1N4148 Diode
2x 1N4001 Diode
1x Breadboard
1x USB Cable
1x Battery Holder
40x Male to Male Jumper Wires
20x Male to Female Jumper Wires
1x Header(40pin)
1x Band Resistor Card
1x Project Box
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